Green manures incoporation effect on varieties yield and yield attributes of maize

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Green manures incoporation effect on varieties yield and yield attributes of maize

Farhan Ahmad, Muhammad Rabnawaz Khan, Haq Nawaz, Junaid Ahmad, Muhammad Waseem Abbas, Sayed Minhaj Ali Shah, Sarmad Iqbal, Nasrullah, Manzoor Ahmad, Mehran Ali, Muhammad Tauseef, Abbas Saleem, Zahid Mehmood, Abid Khan
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 320-327, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The study was carried out during 2018 at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Four green manures incorporation (Contro, Pigeon pea, Sesbania and Sun hemp). Varieties i.e. Pahari, Azam, Jalal and Iqbal were taken as a second factor for the experiment. Green manures were incorporated in the corresponding plots one month before sowing and at the stage of the flowering. The study was conducted in Randomized complete block (RCBD) design with four replications. Experimental results exhibited that application incorporation of green manuring have significant effect on yield attributes of maize. Maximum emergence m-2 (8.3), taller plant (176.6 cm), maximum leaf area (452.9 cm2), more 100 seeds weight (24.8 g), maximum stover yield (5070.6 kg ha-1), maximum grain yield (3789.7 kg ha-1), maximum biological yield (13149.3 kg ha-1) were observed with the treatment of incorporation of pigeon pea. Varieties have significant effect on emergence m-2, plant height, grain yield and biological yield. Maximum emergence m-2 (9.1) was observed in Pihari variety. Maximum plant height (179.7 cm) was obtained from the variety of Jalal. Maximum grain yield (3686.5 kg ha-1) and maximum biological yield (12335.8 kg ha-1) were recorded in the Azam variety. It is concluded that application of incorporation of green manures, especially pigeon pea produced higher yield and its attributes and also the variety Azam of maize crop has produced maximum yield and thus recommended for the agro climatic conditions of Peshawar.

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