Groundnut rust disease epidemiology and potential sustainable management strategies

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Groundnut rust disease epidemiology and potential sustainable management strategies

Magreth Francis, Musa Chacha, Ernest R. Mbega, Patrick A. Ndakidemi
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 524-536, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Groundnut is an important food and cash crop for the majority of the world’s population. However, diseases have impeded groundnut cultivation in groundnut-growing regions. Of them, groundnut rust disease caused by Puccinia arachidis is one among the major diseases causing more than 50% economic yield losses. For decades, chemical pesticide application has been the most effective option for controlling groundnut in Tanzania rust disease. However, hazards associated with excessive usage of chemical pesticides and development of pathogen- resistance against pesticides has prompted intensive research on disease management alternatives that are effective and eco-friendly to the environment. Thus, this review will focus on groundnut rust disease etiology, epidemiology and expounds various management options with much emphasis on the potential of the selected pesticidal plant species (Azadirachta indica, Jatropha curcas, Parthenium hysterophorus and Moringa oleifera) in combatting the disease.


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