Groundwater quality and vulnerability assessment in Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Groundwater quality and vulnerability assessment in Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Md. Menarul Islam Mridul, Mohammad Emadul Huda, Mala Khan, Sujit Kumar Roy, Samia Akter, Mohammad Mahbub Kabir, Snigdha Shetu Paul Mouna
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 4), 1-9, October 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Inland soil and water pollution are common phenomena of the last few decades where industrial and domestic waste, excess agrochemical use and industrial effluent discharge are practiced in an unplanned manner. Thus various types of anionic pollutants can be leached down to the groundwater and contaminate the aquifer which plays a crucial role in human health, safety and security. The present study was carried out to determine the concentration of F, Cl, Br, NO2, NO3, SO42- and PO43- in groundwater within different locations of Saver, Dhaka by Ion Chromatography (IC). A total of fifty-seven (57) groundwater samples including double and triple were collected from twenty different locations of Savar Thana and make it twenty samples by getting their average value. Most of the location the value of Br, NO2, PO4 has found below the detection limit (BDL). On the other hand, sample concentrations of studied anions in groundwater were in the range of F(0.76mg/L to BDL), NO3 (13.64mg/L to BDL), Cl (18.33mg/L to .40mg/L), and SO42- (74.63mg/L to 0.65mg/L). Nitrate (NO3) from Golap Gram and Rustompur ghat exceeded the standard of Bangladesh and the US. EPA but did not exceed the WHO standard of drinking water. The rest of the study area showed that the concentration of studied anions in groundwater was within the permissible limit of national or international drinking water standard and suitable for intended purpose. The present study showed that the agro-industrial area poses much threat of groundwater contamination than the Industrial area. This study can further be used as a reference to monitor and manage the total groundwater suitability.

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