Groundwater quality assessment in a major livestock feedlot/abattoir (imowo-eleran) in Ijebu-ode, Ogun state, Southwestern Nigeria

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Groundwater quality assessment in a major livestock feedlot/abattoir (imowo-eleran) in Ijebu-ode, Ogun state, Southwestern Nigeria

Oduyiga, Oluwakemi Omolaraa, Oduyiga, Olukayode Davidb
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 6), 243-258, June 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study assessed the quality of groundwater in Imowo-eleran, a major livestock feedlot/abattoir in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun state, southwestern Nigeria. A total of twelve (12) boreholes, grouped into A, B and C in relation to proximity to the feedlot were assessed using physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. On-site observation and organoleptic properties of appearance, colour, odour and taste were used to determine the physical assessment while AAS, titration & gravimetry and evaporation to dryness methods were used to determine chemical constituents; the serial dilution technique used in quantifying the total bacterial count, coliform count and faecal streptococcus count with biochemical tests further carried out to characterize the isolated organisms. All the boreholes sampled were clear, colourless, odourless and without taste with mean temperature and pH values ranging between 27-32oC & 7.18–7.56 respectively. The electrical conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, total alkalinity and hardness values ranged between 30–100µs/cm, 20-70mg/L, 12-24mg/L & 24-38mg/L respectively (all within WHO standards for safe portable water). The mean values obtained in the water samples from groups A, B and C for Sodium, potassium, calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, iron, copper, zinc, nitrate and chloride were all below WHO recommended value. The results of the bacteriological analyses revealed that boreholes from Groups A and B were heavily contaminated with pathogenic bacteria including E. coli, Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter sp. Streptococcus faecalis, Klebsiella sp. & faecal streptococcus with Group A having the highest mean bacterial count, coliform and faecal streptococcus counts (7.24±1.19X104cfu/ml, 3.25±1.00X104cfu/ml & 2.96±0.06X104cfu/ml respectively) followed by group B (7.00±0.92X104cfu/ml, 2.1±0.24 X 104cfu/ml & 2.5±0.48X104cfu/ml respectively) while group C had the least (0.47±0.06X104cfu/ml, zero coliform and faecal counts respectively). No pathogenic bacteria were isolated from samples in group C. Most of the underground water sources in the study area are biologically contaminated and are thus unfit for human consumption.


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