Growth and yield of 12 accessions of Pawpaw (Carica papaya L.) as influenced by poultry manure application rates in Derived Savanna of Nigeria

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Growth and yield of 12 accessions of Pawpaw (Carica papaya L.) as influenced by poultry manure application rates in Derived Savanna of Nigeria

K. Olajide, SC. Aba, SK. Ogundare, KP. Baiyeri
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.18( 6), 1-15, June 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Pawpaw (Carica papaya L.) has gained important commercial status in Nigeria due to its nutritional, medicinal and health benefits. In recent times, there is a growing preference for pure organic food due to the envisaged health and environmental benefits. Thus, a study was carried out on 12 selected accessions of pawpaw evaluated under three poultry manure (PM) application rates at the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The field experiment was a split plot in randomized complete block design of three replications. The main plot treatment was three PM application rates (0, 5 and 10 t ha-1) and the sub-plot treatment was 12 accessions of pawpaw. Accession Ijm-Cl-Ro significantly (p<0.05) produced the tallest plants (71.7, 87.3, 108.3, 127.4 and 150.0cm) at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 months after transplanting (MAT), respectively. It had the greatest number of fruits (9.3) at 11 months after the onset of fruit formation, maximum fruit weight (7.15kg) and the highest fruit yield (23.83 t ha-1). Increasing PM rate increased growth traits of the pawpaw plants. Interaction of manure rate × accession on most of the growth attributes varied greatly, but showed no significant difference on yield traits. The accession Ijm-Cl-Ro with the application of 10 t ha-1 of PM which produced the best growth and highest fruit yield is recommended for improved productivity of pawpaw. The control plot produced no fruit throughout the study period, suggesting that manure application is crucial for sustained yield of pawpaw in the study area.


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