Growth and Yield Performance of Banana by Using NPK Fertilizer with Different Doses

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Research Paper 08/11/2024
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Growth and Yield Performance of Banana by Using NPK Fertilizer with Different Doses

Mohammad Tojammel Haq, Md. Shamim Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 115-122, November 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was conducted at Bangabandhu Academy for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development (BAPARD) Agricultural Farm, Kotalipara, Gopalgonj to find out optimum dose of NPK fertilizers for evaluating banana cultivars in this region (AEZ-14). Four treatments were- T0= Only cowdung (Control), T1= Cowdung+ 400gm Urea+ 350gm TSP (Triple Super Phosphate) + 500gm MoP (Muriate of Potash) + 200gm Gypsam, T2= Cowdung+ 500gm Urea+ 400gm TSP+ 600gm MoP+ 200gm Gypsam, T3= Cowdung+ 600gm Urea+ 450gm TSP+ 700gm MoP+ 200gm Gypsam. The highest plant height at 60 DAP (Days after planting), 90 DAP, 120 DAP, 150 DAP, 180 DAP, 210 DAP and 240 DAP were 96.42cm, 121.28cm, 152.44cm, 185.50cm, 214.32cm, 234.50cm and 262.85cm respectively. The maximum functional leaves at 60 DAP, 90 DAP, 120 DAP, 150 DAP, 180 DAP, 210 DAP and 240 DAP were 3.78, 4.33, 6.45, 7.04, 7.62, 8.78 and 9.88 respectively that found in T2 treatment except 60 DAP. In the case of bunch weight, the highest 7.50 kg was found in T2 treatment. The maximum number of hands per bunch (5.60), number of fingers per bunch (50.0) and weight of per finger (102.50gm) were observed in T2 treatment. The higher yield (18.75 t/ha) was given by the T2 treatment than the other treatments. As a result, the optimum dose was using Cowdung+ 500gm Urea+ 400gm TSP+ 600gm MoP+ 200gm Gypsam for banana cultivation in this region. It will be helpful for farmers to reduce the wastage of fertilizer and economic banana cultivation. As a result, farmers will be motivated for banana cultivation.

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