Growth, development, yield and harvest index of two diverse rice cultivars in different water regimes and soil textures

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Research Paper 01/02/2016
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Growth, development, yield and harvest index of two diverse rice cultivars in different water regimes and soil textures

Junel Soriano, Fugen Dou, Rodante Tabien, Chirsty Harper, Kun Chen
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.8( 2), 82-94, February 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Emerging rice cultivars and crop management strategies have to be investigated further with the pressing issues on water shortage for enhanced growth, development and productivity. A pot experiment was conducted in the greenhouse to evaluate the impacts of water regimes (aerobic, saturated and continuous flooding), soil textures (clay and silt loam), and cultivars (Cocodrie and Rondo) including their interactions on rice growth, development, grain yield and harvest index. Normal flowering duration of Rondo was sustained with the presence of floodwater at flowering stage. Grain filling duration was longer in aerobic water regime under silt loam soil. Longer maturity in aerobic water regime was affected by water stress during grain filling stage and not at early vegetative stage until flowering. Grain yield of Rondo was higher by 22% and had greater plant height, tiller count and biomass when planted in clay soil. Harvest index of Cocodrie was higher by 70% compared to Rondo. Grain yield of Rondo was best if flooded continuously while Cocodrie can equally produce grain in aerobic, saturated and flooded water regimes. Growing Cocodrie in clay soil with aerobic water regime is a good option to save more water without significant yield losses. With foreseeing drought and limited water supply for rice production, our study suggests that water regime is the major factor to be considered before selecting rice cultivars to be grown at varying soil textures.

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