Growth of Bambusa vulgaris and Araundinaria alpina under different nursery Site conditions at the higher institute of agriculture and animal husbandry, Northern Rwanda

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Growth of Bambusa vulgaris and Araundinaria alpina under different nursery Site conditions at the higher institute of agriculture and animal husbandry, Northern Rwanda

JMV Senyanzobe, Rono Jennifer, Mukanyamwasa Grace, Nizeyimana Faustin, Mukagakwaya Gaudence, Rwizangoga Rukema Dieu
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 9), 9-14, September 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to compare the sprouting rate and growth performance of Bambusa vulgaris and Araundinaria alpina culm cuttings planted in pots at ISAE- Busogo polythene-shaded tree nursery and glass-sided green house. An experiment was set up for a period of two months as from June to July 2012 using Complete Randomized Block Design and replicated three times in the two nursery sites. Temperature was recorded twice a day during the entire study period. Data on the days to shoot sprouting, number of sprout culms, shoot height and average number of leaves per culm cutting were collected at an interval of 15 days for a period of 60 days. The mean number of shoots per culm cutting was counted on the 60th day. Data was analyzed using JMP 10 where means were separated using Turkey HSD at P≤0.05. Shoot sprouts were observed within the first 15 DAP with B. vulgaris having more shoot sprouts than A. alpina at p=0.0012. B. vulgaris had attained a height greater by 19.9 % and 18.6% in comparison to A. alpina at the end of 60 DAP in the polythene shaded nursery and greenhouse respectively. The mean number of leaves per culm cutting at 60 DAP was significant at p≤0.05 for both species in the different sites. Better growth and performance was observed in B. vulgaris in both nursery sites and can therefore be recommended as the species that can be used for immediate reforestation programs in the region.


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