Growth performance of brackish water enhanced selected tilapia (BEST) fed with different formulated diet

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Research Paper 09/05/2023
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Growth performance of brackish water enhanced selected tilapia (BEST) fed with different formulated diet

Therese T. Toriano
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 5), 38-45, May 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


A 9-week growth trial was conducted to determine the effects of four pelleted diets on the growth performance of Brackish water Enhanced Selected Tilapia (BEST), investigate the proximate analysis of the formulated diets and determine the cost and return. The tested diets were commercial feed, (Diet 1) 75% Tricanthera gigantea + 25% Flying fish entrails, (Diet 2) 50% T. gigantea + 50% Flying fish entrails, and (Diet 3) 25% T. gigantea + 75% Flying fish entrails (FF). The results revealed that 50% T. gigantea + 50% Flying fish entrails obtained the highest final weight and gain weight of 64.4 g and 61.4 g, respectively. For the feed conversion ratio, there were no significant differences between the control diet (commercial) and the others (Diets 1, 2, and 3). In terms of length increment, the control diet and Diet 2 had no significant differences (P<0.05). The proximate composition of the feeds, such as moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash, crude fiber, carbohydrates, and gross energy (GE), of the finished feeds was analyzed. Diet 2 was the best feed; animals increased significantly in weight. Based on the return-on-investment (ROI), 50% T. gigantea + 50% FF is the most profitable, even better than the commercial feed. Diet 2 obtained 45.98%, which means for every peso investment, there is a corresponding 45.98 centavos. The use of locally available feedstuffs will not only be beneficial to achieve better growth performance of BEST but can also be translated to sizable savings for local fish farmers.


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