Growth performance of broilers raised under mango plantation fed different levels of crude protein

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Growth performance of broilers raised under mango plantation fed different levels of crude protein

Juan S. Daquioag II
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 241-247, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to establish data on the level of Crude Protein that is required by broilers and to determine their growth performance and carcass quality when raised under mango plantation fed different levels of crude protein in their diet. One hundred fifty two-week old commercial broilers white strain (Cobb 500) were used and distributed equally to the following treatments: T1– 21%CP, T2– 20%CP, T3-19%CP, T4– 18%CP, and T5– 17%CP. These were laid out in Complete Randomized Design with three replications.  The birds were fed in restriction for a period of five weeks. Feeds were withdrawn from the birds daily when they are in range, 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon. Results showed that T3 significantly differed with T4 and T5 but not with T1 and T2 with a feed conversion ratio of 2.0 and T1 obtained the lowest percentage abdominal fat deposition with 0.74. In terms of profitability, T3 had the best return above feed cost with P178.01 income per chicken. This study revealed that feeding the ranged broilers with 19% CP resulted in better feed efficiency, and income, while 21% CP obtained the least fat deposition.


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