Growth sensitivity and vulnerability in seedlings of Sorghum bicolor L. grown in crude oil polluted soil

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Research Paper 01/06/2020
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Growth sensitivity and vulnerability in seedlings of Sorghum bicolor L. grown in crude oil polluted soil

Erhenhi A.H.
Int. J. Biosci.16( 6), 196-202, June 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The impact of crude oil on seedling growth and survival of Sorghum bicolor was evaluated view of profiling the concentration at which this plant can survive crude oil contamination being a staple food in the study area. Ex-Situ analysis experimental analysis using four treatments (50ml, 100ml, 150ml and 200ml) concentrations of crude oil and water as control on 7kg of loamy soil weighed on plastic bowl. Seed viability was tested using the floating method and six (6) seeds were sown in each bowl at 3cm depth. Treatment were applied 14 days after planting  to the established seedlings and observation of growth parameters such mean plant height, mean stem girth, mean leaf mortality and mean leaf areas of seedlings were studied for four (4) weeks. The result showed significant difference (P<0.05) in seedling height in the control compared to the treatments and also in seedling height in 50ml, 100ml, 150ml and 200ml respectively. The highest height of seedlings was obtained in control whereas the least mean height of seedlings was obtained in 100ml. The maximum plant girth of seedlings was obtained in control whereas the least girth was obtained in 150ml. The maximum leaf area of the plant was obtained in control while the least was recorded in 200ml treatment. The highest value of leaf mortality was recorded in 150ml while the lowest number of leaf mortality was obtained in 50ml. The study has demonstrated that seedlings of Sorghum grown in crude oil contaminated soil were sensitive and vulnerable.


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