Health risk assessment of residents of the industrial estate around pharmaceutical industries near Lahore, Punjab
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Health risk assessment of residents of the industrial estate around pharmaceutical industries near Lahore, Punjab
The main objective of the study was an assessment of potential health risks associated with pharmaceutical residues in drinking water. The study was based on a multi-method perspective, i.e., visits, surveys and questionnaires. Near the area of Sundar Industrial Estates, respondents from four different villages around pharmaceutical industries were selected for the collection of data. The present study focuses on the fate, occurrence and toxicity of pharmaceutical drugs on human health. The findings of the study revealed that 59.2% village residents were suffering from different health issues due to drinking pernicious water. Reproductive problems and gastrointestinal illnesses were found to be the most common health problems among respondents. About 64.92 % of the respondents had reproductive problems from which pregnancy complications and menstrual disorders were majorly found in females. Socio-economic factors such as education, income and age were found to be the other contributing factors in deciding the health status of respondents. Sources of drinking water and their average distances from pharmaceutical industrial estates were assessed as crucial factors for the occurrence of health problems. The Mean±SEM value of BMI of respondents was measured as 24.60±0.246 and a range was measured as 17.6-33.8 kg/m². Hormonal changes causing reproductive problems among females were found to be the most prominent health effect due to drinking water contaminated with pharmaceutical residue. The most dominant reproductive problems were found to be pregnancy complications and menstrual disorders. The sources of drinking water and their average distances from the pharmaceutical industrial estates are the most crucial factors for determining the poor health status.
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Saima Hussain, Mahnoor Malik, Zahra Asghar, Numrah Nisar, Tahira Aziz Mughal (2021), Health risk assessment of residents of the industrial estate around pharmaceutical industries near Lahore, Punjab; IJB, V19, N5, September, P100-121
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