Heavy metal concentration in sediments and muscles of mud clam Polymesoda erosa in Butuan Bay, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/09/2016
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Heavy metal concentration in sediments and muscles of mud clam Polymesoda erosa in Butuan Bay, Philippines

Marlon V. Elvira, Chime M. Garcia, Nilo H. Calomot, Romell A. Seronay, Joycelyn C. Jumawan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 3), 47-56, September 2016.
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The study assessed the mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd) and chromium (Cr) levels in sediments and the muscles of mud clam (Polymesoda erosa) in selected mangrove wetland stations of Butuan Bay, Philippines. Hg, Pb, Ni, Cd and Cr in sediments and Pb, Ni, Cd and Cr in the muscles of Polymesoda erosa were analysed using Atomic Emission Spectrometer Method adopted from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Hg in the muscles of P. erosa was analysed using Cold Vapor Atomic Spectrometry. Results revealed that the mean concentrations of the different heavy metals from sediments across three sampling stations in Pagatpatan is in the order of Hg> Cr> Ni>Pb> Cd, with Hg, Cr, and Ni exceeding their respective allowable limits. Similarly, heavy metals in Camagong is in the order of Ni> Cr>Pb> Cd>Hg, with Ni and Cr exceeding their respective allowable limits. For the bivalve muscles, the mean concentrations of the different heavy metals across three sampling stations in Pagatpatan is in the order of Cr> Ni>Hg>Pb> Cd, with Pb exceeding the respective allowable limits. Heavy metals in Camagong is in the order of Ni> Cr>Pb>Hg> Cd with Pb exceeding the allowable limit. These baseline findings imply that further study should be conducted to validate the cause of heavy metal accumulation to the physical and biological aspect of the environment.

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