Heavy metal in drinking water its effect on human health and its treatment techniques – a review

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Review Paper 01/04/2018
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Heavy metal in drinking water its effect on human health and its treatment techniques – a review

Muhammad Jamshaid, Arshad Ali Khan, Kashif Ahmed, Monawwar Saleem
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 223-240, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In human life, the dispute related to drinking water pollution is increasing day by day. In this article we discussed the contamination of drinking water with heavy metals. Heavy metals are a metallic element that has a relatively high density, specific gravity, or atomic weight and has toxic effects. Generally, humans are more likely to be exposed to heavy metals through water consumption and thus bioaccumulation of toxic metals takes place in the human body. Which causes serious human health hazards and may induce cancer and other risks. The main sources for drinking water pollution are improper dumping of domestic and industrial wastes. The writing purpose of this review article is to increase the awareness about heavy metal and its high concentration effect on living things. Point out many diseases that causes, due to the high concentration of heavy metal in drinking water, also point out the reason of why heavy metal concentration increasing in water. Many water treatment technique has also been discussed in this paper, all these treatments that helps to remove excess amount of heavy metal in drinking water. The data presented in this review have been taken out from different published studies. Water is the basic need of life. In short “healthy water gives the healthy life”.


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