Heavy metal pollution, a global problem and its remediation by chemically enhanced phytoremediation: A Review

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Heavy metal pollution, a global problem and its remediation by chemically enhanced phytoremediation: A Review

Muhammad Bilal Shakoor, Shafaqat Ali, Mujahid Farid, Muhammad Ahsan Farooq, Hafiz Muhammad Tauqeer, Usman Iftikhar, Fakhir Hannan, Saima Aslam Bharwana
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 3), 12-20, March 2013.
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Heavy metal contaminated soils are very hard to restore. This type of soil pollution is primarily attributed to anthropogenic activities, including, smelting, mining and various industrial activities. The world’s heavily effected areas from heavy metal pollution have been proving as health risks to more than 10 million people in various countries. Linfen in China people faced extreme loads of pollution, In Haina of Dominican Republic, people suffered from a huge amount of lead poisoning due to, in Ranipet a city of India about 3.5 million people are being affected by tannery waste. Bioaccumulation of metal toxins in the food chain poses disastrous effects on human health. Plants accumulate some non essential heavy metals having no contribution in biological functions these heavy metals cause serious risks to plants, animals and human health. In order to remediate this problem in situ and ex situ techniques are being used but in situ methods are more effective than ex situ. Phytoremediation is one of the most successful and environmental friendly in situ method of modern era, coupled with chemical chealtores such as EDTA and Citrci Acid this method is being proved to be more useful and soil friendly.


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