How different planting depth and spacing effect African corn lily corms growth and production

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Research Paper 01/07/2016
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How different planting depth and spacing effect African corn lily corms growth and production

Fawad Naeem, Mohammad Ilyas, Gulzar Ullah, Farzana Begum Quratul Ain, Ammara Saeed
Int. J. Biosci.9( 1), 99-105, July 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


A field trial was carried out to determine how different planting depth and planting distance effect the growth and production of African corn lily at Horticulture Farm, University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement was used. Corms were planted at various depths 5, 7.5 and 10 cm and plant to plant distance of 10, 15 and 20 cm. Minimum number of days to sprouting (20.68), sprouting percentage (84.72%), early spike emergence (68.99 days) and maximum number of cormels plant-1 (4.86) were taken by the corms planted at the depth of 5 cm whereas maximum number of days to sprouting (25.97), late emergence of spike (74.09 days) and minimum number of cormels plant-1 (3.47) were noted in corms planted at the depth of 10 cm. Maximum sprouting percentage (90.28%) was obtained when corms were planted 7.5 cm deep. Regarding different planting distance minimum days to sprouting (20.77), days to spike emergence (69.15) were observed when corms were planted 20 cm apart whereas maximum days to sprouting (27.12) were observed when corms were planted 10 cm apart. Maximum sprouting percentage (90.28%) was obtained when corms were planted 10 cm apart while minimum (83.33%) was obtained when corms were planted 15 cm apart. Maximum number of days to spike emergence (75.10) was taken by the plants grown 10 cm apart. maximum number of cormels plant-1 (5.03) was obtained when corms were planted 20 cm wide while minimum number of cormels plant-1 (3.32) was obtained when corms were planted 10 cm wide.


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