Hs.C-reactive protein is affected by long term aerobic exercise in asthma subjects

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Short Communications 01/06/2012
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Hs.C-reactive protein is affected by long term aerobic exercise in asthma subjects

Tarmast Daniel, Zand Alireza, Faraji Gholamreza, Parsian Heshmatolah
Int. J. Biosci.2( 6), 159-164, June 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exercise training on serum CRP levels in adult asthma patients. For this purpose, pre and post aerobic training (3 times-weekly/ 3 months) blood samples were taken after overnight fast in 32 adult men with asthma patients that divided to exercise and control groups by randomly. Anthropometrical indexes were also monitored in two occasions. All data changes were compared by T tests. At baseline, there were no differences in the serum CRP, body weight and other anthropometrical indexes between the two groups. Compared to pre-training, the CRP levels decreased significantly after aerobic training in the exercise group but not in the control subjects. We observed a significant decrease in al anthropometrical indexes in exercise group. All paper remained without change in control group. Based on these data, we can say that exercise training for long time improves systemic inflammation in asthma patients.


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