Human and natural degradation of euphrates poplar (Populus euphratica Oliv.) stands in Iran

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Research Paper 01/04/2017
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Human and natural degradation of euphrates poplar (Populus euphratica Oliv.) stands in Iran

Hossein Tavakoli Neko, Anoushirvan Shirvany, Mohammad Hassan Assareh, Mohammad Reza Naghavi, Mohammad Pessarakli
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 4), 90-93, April 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


This study was carried out in 2014-2015 to evaluate the genetic diversity of Euphrates poplar Populus euphratica populations in some natural habitats in Iran. P. euphratica trees with relatively high resistance to environmental stress such as drought, salinity, heat and cold conditions. It has been able a unique ecological and environmental effects in different areas of arid and semi-arid climate. The trees on the river margin have been challenged with the development of agricultural land and unfortunately, some farmers have been eradicated them. Also presence of livestock in natural stands of these trees can disrupt regeneration and they will not be able to revitalize, thus they destroying in the next time. The other factor threatening them is the timber felling of trees for firewood and woody needs by villagers. One of the important Euphrates poplar stands in Iran that go to extinction is Gherkhlar, Marand in East Azerbaijan province of Iran. Unfortunately the Euphrates poplar trees with old age due to poor habitat and human threats cannot revitalize and endangered extinct.


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