Human serum resistin is related to homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance in healthy people

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Research Paper 01/08/2011
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Human serum resistin is related to homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance in healthy people

Eizadi Mojtaba, Bananaeifar Abdolali, Khorshidi Davood, Dooaly Hussein
J. Bio. Env. Sci.1( 4), 55-60, August 2011.
Certificate: JBES 2011 [Generate Certificate]


Resistin, an inflammation cytokine secreted by adipose tissue, has been demonstrated to increase insulin resistance. However, its role in human remains controversial. This study aimed to evaluate relationship between serums resistin with insulin resistance in a group of healthy adult men. For this purpose, we measured fasting serum resistin, glucose and insulin after an overnight fast in thirty nine sedentary adult men aged 38 – 43 years with body mass index between 26 – 32 kg/m2. All re participants were healthy without any chronic diseases particularly type II diabetic. Insulin resistance was calculated using fasting insulin and glucose concentration. A Pearson correlation was used to establish the relationship between serums resistin with the other variables. The statistical finding showed a positive significant relation between serum resistin and insulin resistance index (p = 0.033). A borderline signigcant positive association was observed between serum resistin and fasting glucose (p = 0.048). But insulin was not related with serum resistin (p = 0.211). Although serum resistin levels were not related to insulin, this data showed that resistin may be affect glucose and insulin resistance that is likely by mechanisms independent of insulin. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the significance of serum resistin concentration in insulin resistance pathophysiology.


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