Hydroponic agriculture in controlled environment: A review

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Hydroponic agriculture in controlled environment: A review

Abdul Qadeer, Zia-Ul-Haq, Shahid Javed Butt, Sohail Raza Haidree, Talha Mehmood, Hamza Muneer Asam, Muhammad Kazim Nawaz
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 407-416, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


World’s population is rapidly increasing result in urbanization, decrease in land holdings, low crop productivity, polluting water, air and soil while food demand has increased. To feed increased population new innovate techniques are important for the protecting environment and produce more in a limited area. Today protected cultivation in greenhouses is one of the most intensive farming technique in the world. Mostly horticultural crops are grown under controlled environment in a greenhouse where the variables such as temperature, humidity, light, soil, water, fertilizers etc. are manipulated to achieve maximum output and continuous supply during off-season. The use of latest technologies with high levels of output in greenhouses is of utmost importance to produce healthy, pest and damage-free plants. Greenhouse provides control environment than growing in the field. Therefore by keeping in view the profitability of the farmer, health of the consumer and sustainability of the environment hydroponic system in the greenhouse should be adopted for improving the cultivation process of crops.


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