Hyperaccumulation of silver in Indian mustard Brassica juncea

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Hyperaccumulation of silver in Indian mustard Brassica juncea

Hina Chaudhry
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 439-444, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Human activities like, landfilling, effluents of industrial waste, ore processing and leaching are few of the major ones contributing towards the discharge of silver into the environment. Phytoremediation is environment friendly and less expensive technique and it is easily applicable on larger contaminated areas. Brassica plants have been used for the purpose of phytoremediation. Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) is chosen because of its great tolerance level against high concentration of metal. This study explores the potential of Brassica juncea for remediation of silver metal. The pot experiment was conducted and seeds were sown in sand under the natural conditions required for growth. Plants were treated with silver for 2 weeks for accumulation analysis. Silver content in the stem, root and leaves as well as in sand samples was analyzed by Atomic Absorption spectrometer. Maximum accumulation of silver in Brassica juncea leaf was 10400 (mg/kg) at 50(mg/L), in stem was 2800 (mg/kg) at 50(mg/L) and in root was 11000(mg/kg) at 100(mg/L). Substantially higher concentration of silver was found in aerial parts and lower quantities were found in roots. Bioaccumulation factor was measured to show the capability of the plant to extract metal from the contaminated medium. The Bioaccumulation factor of Brassica juncea was 4.3, 1.92, 3.4, 1.5, 1 with concentration of Silver 25, 50, 100 200 (mg/L). All the values were higher than 1 which shows hyperaccumulation of silver in plant. Hence there is a great scope for utilization of Brassica juncea for cleaning the soils polluted by silver metal.


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