Identification of thermo-tolerance potential of okra genotypes at maturity stage

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Research Paper 01/12/2020
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Identification of thermo-tolerance potential of okra genotypes at maturity stage

Muhammad Wajid Khan, Zahoor Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 173-188, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The study comprised on screening of twenty okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench.) genotypes at maturity stage against high temperature stress (25 °C as control, 40 °C and 45 °C) to find out their thermo-tolerance potential based upon their morpho-physiological, enzymatic and yield-related characteristics. The results exposed considerable decline in shoot length, plant fresh weight, photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate in all the tested okra genotypes under high temperature/heat stress. However, thermo-tolerant genotypes expressed less decrease in morpho-physiological characteristics in comparison with thermo-sensitive genotypes and vice versa. Activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase) and osmolytes like proline and glycinebetaine were observed greater in thermo-tolerant genotypes as compared to the thermo-sensitive genotypes. Whereas, yield-related characteristics like number of flower buds per plant and pod size were affected minimum in thermo-tolerant genotypes. Taken as a whole, conclusion was extracted that high temperature stress is incredibly lethal for development and growth of okra at maturity stage. Moreover, keeping in view the performance of tested okra genotypes, Punjab selection, Green wonder, Sabaz pari, Sarsabaz, Pen beauty, Ikra-1, Sanum, and Kiran-51 were categorized as thermo-tolerant whereas, OK-1305, OK-1307, Shehzadi, Lush green and Anarkali were categorized as moderately thermo-tolerant, while Cick-5769, MF-03, Okra-3, Ikra-2, Okra-7100, Pusa sawani and Ikra-3 were labeled as thermo-sensitive genotypes of okra.

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