Effect of meal from the leaves of Manihot esulenta and Tithonia diversifolia as a protein substitute to soybean cake in the diet on growth and laying performances, egg quality of local hen (Gallus gallus) in the Sudano-guinean zone

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Research Paper 01/05/2021
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Effect of meal from the leaves of Manihot esulenta and Tithonia diversifolia as a protein substitute to soybean cake in the diet on growth and laying performances, egg quality of local hen (Gallus gallus) in the Sudano-guinean zone

Mweugang Ngouopo Nathalie, Nkana Kontchiachou Gwladys, Miégoué Emile, Efiriyi Christiane, Njintang Yanou Nicolas, Fonteh Anyangwe Florence, Pamo Tedonkeng Etienne
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.18( 5), 1-12, May 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The leaves of Manihot esculenta and Tithonia diversifolia are valuable protein and mineral supplement for local chickens. The evaluation of the effect of the incorporation of meals from the leaves of these plants in the diet of the local laying hen on growth and laying performances, and quality of eggs was investigated. Fourty five hens and nine cocks local breeds were weighed and randomly distributed to three dietary treatments: RWL, RML and RTL which contained no leaves (control/RWL), meals of M. esculenta (RML) and T. diversifolia (RTL) included in the same proportion (7%). Each treatment was replicated 3 times in a completely randomized design. The hens were subjected to natural mating, eggs laid were collected according to breeding groups hatched and analyzed. Feed intake was comparable (p>0.05) between treatment groups as from the 4th week till the end of the experiment. Average daily gain and Laying rate evolved in a sawtooth-like manner regardless of the treatment considered. Hens fed RML recorded lowest (week 3) (p<0.05) and highest (weeks 6, 7, 12) (p<0.05) Feed conversion ratio. Hens in the control recorded higher (p<0.05) egg weight, egg shape index, width and laying rate but lowest (p<0.05) egg length. Fertility, hatchability, embryo mortality and chemical composition of eggs were similar (p>0.05) in all treatments. This study suggest that dried leaves of M. esculenta and T. diversifolia can be used as protein sources in local chicken’s feed during laying.


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