A review on advantages of cereals-legumes intercropping system: case of promiscuous soybeans varieties and maize

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Review Paper 01/06/2018
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A review on advantages of cereals-legumes intercropping system: case of promiscuous soybeans varieties and maize

Josiah M. Kinama, Habineza M. Jean Pierre
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 6), 155-165, June 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Intercropping is a practice mostly done by small-scale farmers. It’s a cropping system which involves the growth of two or more plants in the same field during the same season to allow interactions between component crops. The importance of this cropping system implies insurance against total crop failure, yield improvement, weed control, pest and diseases control, biological nitrogen fixation, increased light interception, increased biomass formation, high incomes returns, yield advantages shown by land equivalent ratio. This study is a collection of reviewed reports recently done on intercropping and which have focused on cereal-legume intercropping. It assessed the advantages obtained from intercropping, especially in cereal-legume cropping system. However, reviewed reports showed useful information base for agricultural scientist with interest in the field of intercropping research with particular focus on cereal-legume intercropping system.


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