The relationship between tartaric acid levels and taste differences in grapes and the detachment strength of pedicels

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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The relationship between tartaric acid levels and taste differences in grapes and the detachment strength of pedicels

Nesrin Karaca Sanyürek, Atilla Çakır
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 385-390, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The physical and chemical properties of grape varieties are among the parameters that influence quality. This study has been made to investigate the effects of some of the physical and chemical properties of grape varieties on each other. In the study, which aims to determine how the detachment strength of grape pedicels and taste differ in terms of tartaric acid levels, two-way variance analysis has been used to determine the change in the levels of tartaric acid depending on the detachment strength of grapes and taste differences. The results of the two-way variance analysis showed that the highest tartaric acid levels were achieved in the ‘slightly sweet’ berries (Pertek Tilki Kuyruğu) that have a ‘middle’ breaking strength, and the lowest tartaric acid levels in the ‘slightly sweet’ berries (Pertek Boğazkere, Pertek Zehni) that break ‘easily’ and ‘with difficulty’. The research results show that the ‘slightly sweet’ berries that have a ‘middle’ detachment strength should be focused on in order to increase the tartaric acid levels in grapes or if grape varieties with high tartaric acid levels are to be made use.


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