Impact analysis of vegetation cover on land surface temperature (LST) at Lakhodair landfill and Mehmood Booti open dump site of Lahore, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Impact analysis of vegetation cover on land surface temperature (LST) at Lakhodair landfill and Mehmood Booti open dump site of Lahore, Pakistan

Maimoona Khalil, Nausheen Mazhar, Safdar Ali Shirazi, Kanwal Javid
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 263-277, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The vegetation cover reduces as well as controls LST near landfill and dump sites in many cities of the world e.g. Lahore, Pakistan. For this purpose, this study relayed on various thermal and infrared sensors of Landsat digital data. The aim of research was to compare temperature (LST) in relation to vegetation index (NDVI). The results showed higher NDVI of 0.4%-0.5% near Lakhodair Landfill and 0.1%-0.2% NDVI at open dump site of Mehmood Booti. Therefore, Landfill site depicts normal LST in June about 39˚C and higher LST of about 50˚C near dump site. In contrast, Lahore experienced 0.2% – 0.5% NDVI and 39˚C – 41˚C LST in June. Conclusions revealed that closed Landfill sites are amiable for the environment as compared to open dump sites. Government should take initiative to convert dump sites into Landfills, in order to protect the environment and health of population living in near vicinity.


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