Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Macrobenthic Biodiversity of Kaliasote Dam of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Macrobenthic Biodiversity of Kaliasote Dam of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Sleeqa Khan, Mukesh Dixit, Subrata Pani
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 9-24, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Present study was conducted to understand the impact of anthropogenic activities on macrobenthic biodiversity of the Kaliasote Dam which is one of the important multipurpose water bodies of Bhopal. The study reveals that the water quality of the Kaliasote Dam has shown the sign of deterioration at several places due to increasing anthropogenic pressure. Though average values of most of the parameters are within the permissible limit of CPCB however concentration of BOD (1.2 mg/l to 12 mg/l) and COD (8 mg/l to 31 mg/l) reveals moderate degree of organic pollution at some intervals. All the water samples collected during the period 2015-17 contain significant amount of nitrate and orthophosphate that facilitated growth and development of few indicator species of macrobenthic community. In general on the basis of physical, chemical and macro zoo benthic study, the Dam water can be classified as moderately polluted water body.


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