Impact of chromium toxicity on water, plankton and bed sediments of River Ravi, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Impact of chromium toxicity on water, plankton and bed sediments of River Ravi, Pakistan

Abdul Rauf, Ghazala Jabeen, Muhammad Javed
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 294-300, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The water, plankton and bed sediments collected from three polluted sites (Shahdara Bridge, Baloki Headworks and Sidhnai Barrage) in river Ravi were analyzed quantitatively to assess the impact of chromium toxicity on fish and the aquatic ecosystem. Metallic toxicity of water at all the three sites was generally low but the contamination levels in sediment and plankton were significantly higher indicating the bio-magnification of chromium in higher trophic levels. The uptake and accumulation of chromium by the sediments and plankton was dependent positively and significantly upon metallic toxicity of water. The plankton at Shahdara bridge had significantly higher chromium (45.47±10.62µgg-1) than that of Balokihead works and Sidhnai barrage with the chromium contamination levels of 35.68±7.32 and 34.94±6.39µgg-1, respectively. The pattern of chromium enrichment through water<plankton<bed sediments demonstrated the bio-accumulation and bio-magnification of chromium through water–plankton–bed sediments interactions. The contamination level of water, bed sediments and plankton of river Ravi by chromium exceeded the recommended permissible limits suggesting regular monitoring of heavy metal enrichment in the water bodies and mitigation measures.


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