Impact of climate smart agriculture adoption on food security: The case of urban market gardeners in the city of Réo, Burkina Faso

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Research Paper 03/09/2024
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Impact of climate smart agriculture adoption on food security: The case of urban market gardeners in the city of Réo, Burkina Faso

Nadège Compaoré, Joseph Yaméogo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.25( 3), 1-14, September 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Climate change is affecting Burkina Faso’s cities. This situation is forcing urban dwellers to take innovative measures to adapt. Several smart strategies have been implemented in urban market gardening to cope with recent rainfall variability over the period 2001-2021. The main objective of the study is to analyze the changes in rainfall in the area, the smart strategies used and the consequences in terms of food security of the strategies promoted in urban market gardening in Réo. To achieve this, a methodology combining secondary and primary data was required. Descriptive statistics, linear and logistic regression and the rainfall concentration index (PCI) were used to process the data collected. The study showed that the area has a high variability, with a PCI >20, reflecting a high variability and concentration of rainfall over a few months. In addition, the cumulative annual rainfall is increasing over the decade 2001-2021. This situation forces farmers to adopt a number of intelligent strategies to deal with the situation. This has led to leafy vegetable production, multi-species integration in vegetable plots and the introduction of short-cycle vegetables. These strategies have led to an increase in dietary diversity and a high level of food consumption, which has had an impact on the food security of market gardeners. The level of food insecurity is also low. This shows that the smart strategies promoted in the garden plots lead to high levels of food security for the market gardeners.


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