Impact of climatic factors on the productivity of cereal crops in the region of Meknes (Morocco)
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Impact of climatic factors on the productivity of cereal crops in the region of Meknes (Morocco)
The main objective of this work is to analyze the impact of climate change on the productivity of cereal crops in the region of Meknes. The variables used are: precipitation, temperature, weighted moving average and Nicholson index. Cereals are hard wheat, soft wheat and barley. The period of analysis is from 1984 to 2014. This analysis revealed a great irregularity in the yields of the three types of cereals. Indeed, the analysis of rainfall variability showed the alternation of three major periods, a normal period between 1984 and 1991, then a first dry period 1991 to 2003 and a beginning of a second period from 2011, and finally a wet period ranging from 2008 to 2011.In the precipitation regime characterized by two ruptures during the 2005 and2007. Faced with these conditions, the yields of the three cereal crops Of the region of Meknes have indeed been affected and thus showing their axial dependence of climatic factors.
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F. Ouargaga, Y. Moujahid, E. M. El Faleh, K.Tafoughalti, M. Bou-Idra (2017), Impact of climatic factors on the productivity of cereal crops in the region of Meknes (Morocco); JBES, V10, N2, February, P98-105
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