Impact of climatic variations on the growth, yield and quality of different Strawberry varieties

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Research Paper 01/01/2020
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Impact of climatic variations on the growth, yield and quality of different Strawberry varieties

Imran Hussain, Shahid Javed Butt, Zia-Ul-Haq, Ismara Naseem
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 417-426, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Climate variation disturbs the crop patron, yield and its quality. To study impacts of climate variation an experiment was conducted to study the development, yield and quality reactions of three strawberry assortments under various developing conditions in passage and field condition. Sprinters of three strawberry assortments were developed in various developing conditions stayed for 5 months as a term of research. Plant stature, number of leaves, leaf region, new and dry loads of leaves, crisp load of plant, dry load of plant, crown size, number of supports, and number of blossoms were development parameters. Number of natural products, organic product size, natural product weight and yield were measured while dissolvable solids, titratable sharpness and ascorbic corrosive were quality parameters. Normal (field) conditions were contrasted and secured condition. Programming Statistix 8.1 was used for measurable investigation Leaf yield was higher under ideal soil dampness conditions, contrasted with half and 25% soil dampness levels in the two situations. Organic product yield was higher in field condition contrasted with burrow condition and plants gave lower natural product yield burrow condition. Two-way examination demonstrated solid connections among qualities. In the two developing situations, leaf zone were altogether corresponded (1.60*), organic product yield was fundamentally connected with absolute petiole length (8.89**), plant stature (6.6**), leaf number (9.93**). It is presumed that natural pressure and the term of pressure effectively affected distinctive development parameters. Besides, plants developed in field conditions were progressively fit for adapting to regular changes to the plants developed in burrow condition.


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