Impact of education/training on the behavior of farmers regarding adoption of safety measures, protective gears, proper handling & disposal of pesticides

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Impact of education/training on the behavior of farmers regarding adoption of safety measures, protective gears, proper handling & disposal of pesticides

Syed Habib Ullah Shah, Dr. Maqsood Ahmad Khan, Dr. Tahir Anwar Khan, Dr. Mohammad Gohram, Dr. Arif Shah Kakar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 2), 43-50, August 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Modern Agriculture increased the excessive use of agrochemicals especially pesticides which polluted the environment and become a serious threat to bios/life .The study was conducted in uplands of Balochistan (Quetta, Pishin and Ziarat districts) which are commonly known as fruit basket of Pakistan. It was to assess the education/trainings impact on the farmer’s behavior in safe usage of pesticides. Information gathered from 150 farmers of target districts through semi structured face to face interviews and statistically analyzed by SPSS. Findings revealed that education had significant impact the farmers’ perception about pesticides usage. Farmers using protectives gears during the pesticides spray (wearing gloves, Spectacles, gum boot, cover mouth/head by cloth and change dress after spray) highly influenced by education level 78%, 56%, and 32%, having education of graduate, secondary and primary respectively. Educated farmers were careful in storage and expiry of pesticides while uneducated farmers stored pesticides in residing rooms/ used expired pesticides. The adoption of safety measures during the spray, such as wind direction, smoking, eating/drinking and cleaning of pesticide equipment was have significant impact of erudite. The trend of burying empty pesticide containers among graduate, secondary and uneducated were 87%, 26%, 11% respectively whereas 56% uneducated and 53% secondary educated farmers thrown empty containers openly on farms and even 33% uneducated farmers used these pesticide containers for domestic utensils. The study depicts that education/trainings played vital role in improving the behavior of farmers regarding safe usage, handling and disposal of pesticides.


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