Impact of integrated weed management in maize on weed density, biological yield and soil physicochemical properties

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Impact of integrated weed management in maize on weed density, biological yield and soil physicochemical properties

Haroon Ur Rashid, Dost Muhammad, Muhammad Azim Khan, Muhammad Arif, Nazia Tahir, Muhammad Zamin, Riaz Ahmad Afridi, Muhammad Tahir Azeem, Farooq Azam
Int. J. Biosci.16( 5), 232-244, May 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


To evaluate the impact of integrated weed management in maize on weed density 60 DAS (m2), biological yield (Kg ha-1) and soil physicochemical properties, fieldexperiments were performed at Agriculture Research Station Swabi, KPK Pakistan during spring 2014 and 2015 on silt loam soil using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement. Three kind of tillage regimes (minimum, conventional and deep tillage) were used in main plots. Allelopathic plant residues (S. bicolor, H. annuus and P. hysterophorus) were surface mulched and their water extracts were integrated with 0.125 kg a.i. ha-1 (1/4th dose) of atrazine. Maize hybrid “Pioneer 3025” was sown by maintaining plant-plant distance of 15 cm and row-row distance of 75 cm. Data for weed density 60 DAS, Biological yield, soil N, P, K, pH, EC and organic matters was recorded. Result showed that tillage and other weed control treatments (water extracts and surface mulches) had significant effect on weed density 60 DAS, biological yield, soil organic matters. Results of the current study suggested that S.bicolor+H.annuus + P.hysterophorus (SM) each @ 4 Mg/ha under conventional tillage regime reduced weed density 60 DAS, increased biological yield Kg ha-1 of maize crop and soil organic matters. However, further studies are suggested to confirm our results under field condition.


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