Impact of land use change on land values: A case of Jhangiwala, Bahawalpur City, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Impact of land use change on land values: A case of Jhangiwala, Bahawalpur City, Pakistan

Muhammad Mohsin, Muhammad Mushahid Anwar, Muhammad Dawood, Muhammad Akbar Ali Shah, Farrukh Jamal, Muhammad Basit
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 6), 152-160, June 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Globally, land use change is considered a major issue that is responsible for expanding land values and converting agricultural land to urban and other uses. Therefore, main objective of the present study is to access the impact of changing land use on land values at the Jhangiwala, near the civil hospital and to draw a few suggestions to bring sustainability in land use and price inflation. In this attempt, primary data was collected through field survey in five selected housing colonies in the form of questionnaire. During analysis, total 100 persons were determined as sample respondents through random sampling technique and analyzed by applying descriptive statistics in SPSS software version 17. The resultant analysis explain that before the change in land use, major share of the land in colonies were well productive and used for cultivation purpose and later on used overwhelmingly for residential purposes. The price of plots in these colonies were substantially high as compared to the initial price. The size of purchased plots were varying and most of the buyers have purchased these plots during 2013-2017 for investment. The process of land use change and increase in land values have manifested both positive and negative impacts and anticipated to carry on. Thus, few suggestions were proposed in order to curb the issue of agricultural land conversion and regulate the hiking prices of land.


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