Impact of municipal solid waste on groundwater quality in Jhang City Punjab, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/01/2018
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Impact of municipal solid waste on groundwater quality in Jhang City Punjab, Pakistan

Taswar Abbas, Muhammad Fahad Ullah, Omar Riaz, Tariq Shehzad
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 1), 134-141, January 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The current study was carried out to investigate the impact of solid waste dumping sites on ground water quality in Jhang city, Pakistan. In order to investigate the solid waste disposal effects on ground water quality, the study area has been divided into two parts i.e solid waste sites and controlled area. Ground water is the major source of drinking water in study area. Therefore, water samples have been collected near and surrounding the municipal solid waste dumping sites and analyzed for various parameters of water quality. These results showed that TDS found high (75%), CE (90%), Chloride (35%), Hardness (60%), Alkalinity (25%) and calcium (30%) respectively. The water condition in controlled area was much stable and 90% of samples results in limits as per WHO purposed values of parameters. Detailed maps were produced to elaborate ground water quality in different areas of study through Geographic Information System (GIS). Current study concluded that the high concentration of physiochemical parameters of ground water was present in dump sites surrounding samples indicate the poor water quality which is not fit for drinking purpose.

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