Impact of Phragmanthera capitata (Sprenge.) Balle on pod and beans production of two Cocoa clones in Nkoemvone seed fields (South Cameroun)

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Impact of Phragmanthera capitata (Sprenge.) Balle on pod and beans production of two Cocoa clones in Nkoemvone seed fields (South Cameroun)

Ondoua Joseph Marie, Kenne Martin, Dibong Siegfried Didier, Ngotta Biyon Jacques Bruno, Anyinkeng Neculina, Ekodeck Georges Emmanuel
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 4), 90-96, April 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Theobroma cacao L. known as cocoa plant is a cash crop for all producing countries, and a significant source of income for agricultural families. In Cameroon, cocoa production is threatened by parasitic vascular plants belong to Loranthaceae. Among those parasitic vascular plants Phragmanthera capitata (Spreng.) Balle is the most abundant species. This parasitic plant causes severe damages to cocoa plants in Nkoemvone seed fields. The main purpose of this research was to find out if Phragmanthera capitata attack has an impact on the number and weight of pods produced. The experiment was done on two cocoa clones SNK 64 and UPA 143 from 2016 to 2018.Student t test was used to compare the production of pods, the weight of pods; the number of beans produced per pod as well as their weight between parasitized and non-parasitized cocoa plants. A total of 1280 cocoa plants belonging to all cocoa clones in the area were randomly selected and divided in two groups, parasitized and non-parasitized cocoa plants. The study results indicated the number of cocoa plants without pods in parasitized cocoa plants (468 cocoa plants , 73.12% in 2016; 468 cocoa plants, 73.12% in 2017 and 479 cocoa plants, 74.84% in 2018; c2= 0.650; ddl = 2 and p = 0.7312) is higher than the number of cocoa plants without pods in non-parasitized ones (265 cocoa plants, 41.41% in 2016; 243 cocoa plants 37.96% in 2017 and 231 cocoa plants, 36.09% in 2018; c2= 3.925; ddl = 2 and p = 0.139). Concerning the quantity of beans produced by pods, the results revealed that there is no significant difference between parasitized cocoa and non-parasitized ones.

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