Impact of the Berka Zerga urban discharge on the Environment and Lake Fetzara (Annaba, Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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Impact of the Berka Zerga urban discharge on the Environment and Lake Fetzara (Annaba, Algeria)

Fayçal Toumi, Nabil Bougherira, Azzedine Hani, Hicham Chaffai, Larbi Djabri
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 4), 176-184, April 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Urban discharge of Annaba is one from landfills where buried garbage by backfill generates High concentration leachate. The objective of this work is the assessment of the physico-chemical water quality in the study area and whether these waters are apt for irrigation. For this, chemical analyzes were carried out on nearly 30 points. These analyzes have concerned the temperature (T°C), conductivity (EC), TDS, pH, BOD5, TH, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, Cl and HCO3 and heavy metals (lead, Manganese, Iron, Copper). The results show that the elements iron, lead, Copper and Manganese, EC, TDS and BOD5 have high concentrations likely related to the proximity of the landfill. The study of the ability of groundwater for irrigation revealed three types of water: Eligible quality of water (24.13% of the Wells of the plain), Mediocre quality of water (representing 62.06% of the wells of the plain) and Poor quality water (13.80% of the Wells of the plain). These waters are generally used only for irrigation of crops tolerant to salt on well-drained soils, but require prior monitoring changes in salinity. As for sodium absorption (SAR), the report indicates that almost all of the water Wells are bad for irrigation.


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