Impacts of anthropogenic activities on alien plant invasion in MT. Manunggal, Cebu Island, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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Impacts of anthropogenic activities on alien plant invasion in MT. Manunggal, Cebu Island, Philippines

Jake Joshua C. Garces, John Michael B. Genterolizo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 2), 225-236, August 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A growing problem for the vast extents of diverse tropical forests in the Philippines is degraded every year due to booming population and introduction of invasive alien plants (IAPs). This study aimed to (1) assess the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the propagation of IAPs; (2) identify the resident’s purpose of utilizing IAPs; (3) identify the least and most invasive life forms in response to anthropogenic activities that are present in highly disturbed (S1) and less disturbed sites (S2) of Mt. Manunggal, Cebu Island, Philippines. Both sites were sampled by establishing four quadrats per transect and tallying each plant per quadrat to identify its total abundance per species last October-November, 2016. Residents were also interviewed to identify how IAPs were utilized and to show the relationship of anthropogenic activities and IAPs in S1 and S2. Linear regression analysis revealed that as anthropogenic activities increased, high patronization of the IAPs were also observed in Mt. Manunggal, Cebu Island, Philippines. High IAP consumption was enough to address the immediate needs of the residents, which in turn exacerbate the spread and establishment of IAPs in both sites. At present levels, grasses and herbs were seen to be the most invasive life forms with largest impact in S1 and S2. The direct relationship between anthropogenic activities and IAPs could result in a dramatic rise of alien plants, and may intensify risks of impacts on native plants and its ecosystem.


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