Importance and management of fusarium wilt (Fusarium udum Butler) of pigeonpea

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Importance and management of fusarium wilt (Fusarium udum Butler) of pigeonpea

Rael Karimi, James Otieno Owuoche, Said Nandy Silim
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.2( 1), 1-14, January 2012.
Certificate: IJAAR 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Fusarium wilt (Fusarium udum Butler) is an important soil borne disease of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp], which causes significant yield losses in susceptible cultivars throughout the pigeonpea growing areas. The soil borne fungus enters the host vascular system at root tips through wounds leading to progressive chlorosis of leaves, branches, wilting and collapse of the root system. Temperature, soil type, water retentive nature of the soil and nutrient availability has been shown to affect fusarium population. Disease management strategies have emphasized on integrated disease management practices. Despite extensive pathological and molecular studies, the nature and extent of pathogenic variability in F. udum has not been clearly established. Information on characterization of F. udum is needed to help identify race differentials. In addition, there is limited knowledge on the inheritance of fusarium wilt and other important traits in pigeonpea thus limiting specific cultivar improvement. This paper reviews the literature on the distribution, symptomalogy, factors that affect its development and control strategies of the disease.


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