Importance of the critical period for weedkilling millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) in eastern Southeast Niger
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Importance of the critical period for weedkilling millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) in eastern Southeast Niger
Weed infestation is, after the negative effects of climate variability and change, the second most important factor in grain reduction. The present study, carried out in the south-east of Niger, aims to determine the weeding period that can influence millet production. The experimental set-up used is a complete Fisher block, comprising 36 elementary plots divided into seven dates of manual weeding carried out with a hoe, and subjected to two series of early and late competitions. The study focused on determining the critical weeding period, the relative frequency, density and fresh biomass of weeds and the plot weight of millet. One-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s test were used to compare yield obtained according to treatment type at P ≤ 0.05. The results revealed that the best yields were obtained on the control plots (2268.75 Kg/ha), the mulched plots (1920 Kg/ha) and the plots maintained according to farmers’ practice (1896 Kg/ha). Early, critical and late competition thresholds (21, 28 and 35 days after sowing respectively) were also determined. These results could help improve weed management in millet cultivation.
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Mahamane Adamou, Moussa Alio Abdourazak, Adamou Ibrahim Maman Laowali, Toudou Abdoul Karim, Adamou Aboubacar Kolafane, Inoussa Maman Maarouhi, Douma Soumana, Bakasso Yacoubou, Mahamane Ali (2024), Importance of the critical period for weedkilling millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) in eastern Southeast Niger; IJB, V25, N6, December, P146-156
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