Importance of vetiver grass system to reduce the impacts of landslide hazard in Katteri watershed, Nilgiris District, India
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Importance of vetiver grass system to reduce the impacts of landslide hazard in Katteri watershed, Nilgiris District, India
This article explores the scope of the vetiver system as a natural solution to mitigate landslide hazard in the Katteri Basin, Nilgiris District, Western Ghats of India. Landslides are one of the most common problems worldwide and also in India. The district of Nilgiris, located in the Western Ghats in southern India, is prone to high to heavy landslides. This area makes it clear that the future occurrence of landslides in the district is diverse and catastrophic. Many researchers have quantified the danger and risk of landslides in these areas; however there are not many studies on landslide planning, environmental and social issues. Numerous landslides/ landslides have taught a lesson and created the need and urgency to address these issues. In connection with the existing landslide risk scenario, the beginnings of landslide risk reduction in the district and the study area to be processed in the Nilgiris district were examined and recommendations were made to overcome these problems. Scientists, planners and policymakers on landslide containment practices in Nilgiri District.
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C. Rajakumar, AN. Swaminathen, Ajit Kumar Dey (2021), Importance of vetiver grass system to reduce the impacts of landslide hazard in Katteri watershed, Nilgiris District, India; JBES, V19, N6, December, P38-49
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