Improved governance of perennial water for mitigating climate risks in arid and semi-arid regions – An example from spate area of Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Improved governance of perennial water for mitigating climate risks in arid and semi-arid regions – An example from spate area of Pakistan

Arjumand Nizami, Jawad Ali, Muhammad Zulfiqar, Muhammad Jamal Khan, Munawar Khan Khattak, Dilawar Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 6), 92-100, December 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The study reviews existing irrigation system management in the command area of Tank Zam in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and explores effective ways of using scarce perennial water for a better response to climate change related stress. The area falls in arid zone with an annual average rainfall below 250mm. The Spate irrigation, an ancient system of water management is used in the area. Availability of a perennial water source serves a huge security for the farmers. The study uses primary and secondary data. Climate data has been used for analysis of water availability in the wake of climate change. The study shows that during winter season the irrigation water supply is irrigating 1735 hectares but during summer even this area could not be irrigated. The irrigation application efficiency is very low. The decadal changes in precipitation show an increasing trend up to 2030 and then indicating gradual decreasing trends till 2040. Winter and fall rains are continuously decreasing till 2040. Spring Rain are increasing till 2040. Summer rains are increasing up to 2030 and then gradually decreasing till 2040. Temperatures in all the seasons are increasing. Eventually perennial flow will also receive great stress resulting in less availability of irrigation water. Seeing this trend together with irrigation inefficiency in the field, the issue of better governance of the perennial water supply becomes very important. The study recommends a critical review of existing water management system for improved water governance through structural changes and revitalizing social aspects to support effective governance.


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