In silico identification of Shigella sonnei hypothetical protein RUK71877.1 as interleukin receptor mimic Protein A and a potential drug target

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Research Paper 01/12/2022
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In silico identification of Shigella sonnei hypothetical protein RUK71877.1 as interleukin receptor mimic Protein A and a potential drug target

Foeaz Ahmed, Nadim Ahmed, Anindita Ash Prome, Tanjin Barketullah Robin, Nurul Amin Rani
Int. J. Biosci.21( 6), 7-17, December 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Shigella spp. is strict human pathogens that cause shigellosis (bloody diarrhea) and are linked to a significant amount of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Shigella sonnei causes 90% of shigellosis cases and most of them became resistant to traditional antibiotics. The bacterial genome has been discovered, but there are some proteins whose function is not known. This in silico study was conducted to characterize the hypothetical protein RUK71877.1 of S. sonnei. Different bioinformatics web tools were utilized such as BLASTp, ProtParam, CELLO, Jalview etc. to determine the likely function of the hypothetical sequences by searching Sequence Databases for orthologous enzymatic conserved domains. Molecular modeling, energy minimization and docking analysis was evaluated to further validate our findings. In the study our target hypothetical protein RUK71877.1 showed highly similarity with IrmA Family protein. The protein is found to be outer-membrane and has an important role in Shigella sonnei pathogenicity. In NCBI-CD search the target protein was found to have functioned as interleukin receptor mimic protein A which also showed higher affinity with IL-4R in docking analysis. In silico drug development for the treatment of Shigellosis may use these newly predicted hypothetical proteins as potential drug targets in the future. It can also be utilized as target protein in vaccine construction. Our thorough investigation will contribute to identifying a vast range of therapeutic targets and a better knowledge of how to build unique possible treatment strategies to combat the Shigella infection.


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