In vitro aggression of Trichoderma species against Fusarium induced wilt disease in cotton

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Research Paper 06/01/2024
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In vitro aggression of Trichoderma species against Fusarium induced wilt disease in cotton

R. Annadurai, M. Kamaraj
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 1), 23-29, January 2024.
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A soil-borne fungus called Fusarium species assaults plants through their roots at all stages of growth and results in significant economic losses by causing signs of necrosis and wilting.  Trichoderma species tested against Fusarium species under in vitro conditions. In this research, isolate of Trichoderma species was found in rhizosphere soils of cotton crops using the dual culture approach. It was discovered that various Fusarium species, including F1, F2, F3 and F4 were negatively affected by local isolates of Trichoderma sp. The studied Fusarium species growth was inhibited by the isolates of Trichoderma spp. it was also examined how abiotic stresses including pH, temperature and NaCl affected the development of Trichoderma isolates. The isolates T1, T4, and T6 were most resilient to abiotic stress. Chitinase generated by local isolates was examined for its particular activity. In the culture supernatant, the antagonist T4 isolate produced more chitinase activity.

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