In vitro analysis of toxic potential of systemic and contact insecticides on Phenacoccus solenopsis and its parasitoid Aenasius species

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In vitro analysis of toxic potential of systemic and contact insecticides on Phenacoccus solenopsis and its parasitoid Aenasius species

Muhammad Shakeel, Muhammad Riaz,Yong wang
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 151-157, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Cotton in Pakistan is sprayed heavily with different insecticide to have a control over pests. This experiment was conducted to check out the toxic potential of different systemic and contact insecticides on Phenacoccus solenopsis and its parasitoid Aenasius species. Nine doses in each twelve insecticides were evaluated under laboratory conditions against the living adults and immature of the Aenasius species. Insecticides were sprayed on adult’s population by distributing them in an appliance enclosed with pesticide residues while the immature were kept in petri plates and sprayed by insecticides. Overall three insecticides; buprofezin (25% WP), esfenvelerate (5% EW) and leufenuron(EC) were found safety to parasitoid adults; whereas, , chlorpyifos (40 EC), cypermethrin (5 EC), emamectin Benzoate (l.9EC), esfensælerate (EW), Imidacloprid (20% SL), leufenuron (5% EC), nitenpyam (10 SL), profenofos (500 EC), pyriproxyfen (10.8 EC) and thiacloprid (480 SC) were ranked as safety for stages of parasitoid inside the mummy cases of the host. Acetamiprid (50% WDG) caused several mortality to both adult and immature stages of the parasitoid. On the basis of these finding, it was concluded that buprofezin (25% WP), esfenvelerate (5% EW) and leufenuron(EC) were safe in the field according to recommended doses for both of the adult and stages of parasitoid. Thus the mealybug parasitoids (Aenasiu ssp.) can be nominated in IPM programs of cotton mealybug.


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