In vitro antimicrobial and cytotoxicity screening of Terminalia arjunaethanol extract

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Research Paper 01/04/2011
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In vitro antimicrobial and cytotoxicity screening of Terminalia arjunaethanol extract

M Alam Morshed, Azim Uddin, Akhlaqur Rahman, Tahrim Hasan, Saurov Roy, Abdullah Al Amin, Rajibul Ahsan, Rezuanul Islam
Int. J. Biosci.1( 2), 31-38, April 2011.
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The present study was carried out to evaluate the antibacterial and cytotoxic activity of 50% ethanol extract of bark from Terminalia arjuna on selected four Gram positive and eight Gram negative bacterial strains. The bark extract of Terminalia arjuna showed potential antimicrobial activities against all of the selected strains of microorganisms and the greatest activity was observed against Shigella dysenteriae. For antimicrobial test, Disc diffusion technique was used and the zone of inhibition of microorganisms was measured in mm. In vitro cytotoxicity test was also studied by Brine Shrimp Lethality Bioassay and results illustrated significant (p<0.05) cytotoxicity against A. salina, that were expressed as LC50. Terminalia arjuna ethanol extract showed brine shrimp cytotoxicity with lethal concentration 50 (LC50) value of 50.11 μg/ml.

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