In vivo antinociceptive potential of ethanolic extract of leave, catkin and cone of Alnus nitida (Spach.) Endl.

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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In vivo antinociceptive potential of ethanolic extract of leave, catkin and cone of Alnus nitida (Spach.) Endl.

Nagina, Muhammad Ibrar
Int. J. Biosci.13( 4), 256-261, October 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Alnusnitida (Spach.) Endl. (Betulaceae) is used to cure pain and inflammation in traditional medicine. In present study acetic acid induced writhing assay in mice was used to validate its traditional use as pain reliever. The extracts at all doses showed highly significant (p<0.001) percent reduction in pain compared to control. The crude ethanolic extracts (70%) of leave showed highly significant (p<0.001) and highest pain reduction of 77.87±1.01% and 59.44±1.70% at 200 and 100mg/kg doses respectively, followed by 52.98±1.01% and 42.84±1.70% reduction by cone extract at 200 and 100mg/kg doses respectively. While, 36.84±1.66% and 35.01±1.18% reductions were shown by the leave and cone extracts respectively at dose of 50mg/kg each. The catkin extract showed 15.19±2.83%, 27.17±1.17% and 33.62±1.59% reduction in pain at doses 50, 100 and 200mg/kg respectively. Our results justified the folkloric use of the leave of A. nitida as pain reliever and also revealed the pain reducing potency of catkin and cone extracts.

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