Incorporation of a dried maggots’ meal in growing rats diets: pathological risks?
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Incorporation of a dried maggots’ meal in growing rats diets: pathological risks?
Three groups of ten rats in growth fed with three diets differing only in the amount of dried maggots meal (DMM): 2.5%, 5% and 7.5%: DMM2.5, DMM5 and DMM7.5. Assay of plasma biochemical parameters of all the rats did not detect diseases or physiological abnormalities. However, biometrics kidneys and livers of rats showed changes. The kidneys of rats decreased weight of 4.00%, 1.30% and 2.70% respectively in diets DMM2.5, DMM5 and DMM7.5. As for the liver, their weight increased by 1.10%, 3.00% and 12.40% respectively with diets DMM2.5, DMM5 and DMM7.5. These observations may reflect histopathological abnormalities of the kidneys and livers of rats that are to detect.
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Bouafou Kouamé Guy Marcel, Konan Brou André, Amonkan Kouao Augustin, Kouame Koffi Gabouet, Kati-coulibally Séraphin (2011), Incorporation of a dried maggots’ meal in growing rats diets: pathological risks?; IJB, V1, N5, October, P65-70
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