Increasing students’ environmental attitude through Visual and Performance Arts

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Research Paper 01/10/2018
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Increasing students’ environmental attitude through Visual and Performance Arts

Juvelyn D. Capili
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 4), 181-189, October 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Visual and performance arts are effective media of communicating environmental and ecological issues. The need for effective communication to increase collective action and environmental attitude of students is the most pressing in the context of deteriorating environment. To assess the effectiveness of visual and performance arts as media of increasing environmental attitude of students, this study was conducted. It employed experimental research design. The participants of the study were the randomly sampled college students taking up MAPEH courses in one campus of a state university in region 02, Philippines. Result of the study showed that employing visual and performance arts learning activities are interesting. Ultimately, the used of visual and performance arts learning activities significantly increased the environmental attitude of students along attitude towards nature enjoyment, support for conservation policies, human utilization of nature, and attitude towards personal conservation behavior. Allowing the students to be exposed to the different environmental-based visual and performance arts learning activities where their direct learning experience is involved significantly increased their environmental construct. Further, the results reveal that both visual and performance-based learning activities developed positive environmental attitudes, greater environmental awareness, increased knowledge and understanding of nature, and are more likely to participate in environmental stewardship activities.


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