Indirect selection for increased oil yield in peanut: comparison selection indices and biplot analysis for simultaneous improvement multiple traits

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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Indirect selection for increased oil yield in peanut: comparison selection indices and biplot analysis for simultaneous improvement multiple traits

Parviz Safari, Rahim Honarnejad, Masoud Esfahani
Int. J. Biosci.3( 8), 87-96, August 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The objectives of this study were to exploit information on the nature of relationships between agronomic traits and oil yield for developing selection indices as well as to compare selection indices methodology and biplot analysis as methods of simultaneous improvement of genotypes for multiple traits. Selection indices revealed that an increase in efficiency was observed over direct selection for oil yield when four oil yield contributing traits were included along with oil yield and showed that correlation coefficients between genotypic worth and each of the base indices were less than that for the optimum indices. Applying biplot analysis to the multiple trait data revealed that genotype by trait (GT) biplot graphically facilitated visual comparison of genotypes and selection. Moreover, the identified superior genotypes in both types of analyses were nearly identical. So use of biplot analysis is recommended.


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